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How To Get the Content You Want With TeamOrders

With Textbroker’s TeamOrder feature, you can create author teams with custom conditions. Set up your very own team of talented writers with specialised knowledge in your chosen area, then work with just those writers for your projects. In this guide, you’ll learn how to create a team and place a TeamOrder.

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Corporate Blog Communication – a Dying Art?

There’s no ignoring the fact that technology has changed the way we interact with one another. There’s still something a little shocking in the fact that by 2020, it’s predicted that over 85% of customer relations will be managed without speaking to another human.

With that in mind, we’re going to take a look into how you can keep the dying art of human interaction alive in your corporate blog.

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Emotional Marketing – The Emotional Campaign

It's time to put SEO and search expertise down for a second and take a few moments to reflect. No, this isn't a meditation session for online marketers. This is about learning how to use the most powerful tool known to mankind. It's all about emotions – an essential element in any content marketing campaign.

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Reacting to a Crisis with Content

The right (or wrong) reaction to a crisis situation can make-or-break a company. Whether it’s a case of false advertising, a recalled product or even just a typo on publicity material – mistakes can cause a company a lot of headaches and a lot of damage. Not just in financial terms, but in terms of reputation, too.

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Managed Service

Textbroker offers an extended level of service with the Managed Service option. Managed Service gives you additional support and a personal account manager when you want us to manage your projects for you. Find out more here.

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Do you need up-to-date content? Then manage your project through Textbroker’s Self-Service. You choose the quality level, price, and author for your content.

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Thousands of authors from around the globe earn money with Textbroker, the leading provider of unique, custom content. Become a Textbroker author now and access thousands of projects to choose from.

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