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Latest Autumn Additions

The European Textbroker Team is growing once again. It is with great pleasure that we introduce the newest members to join us here in Mainz, not only on the editorial front, but also for Client Services, Finance, and Technology.

Verena, 35, Flörsheim

Joining us in the financial department is Verena, who only by chance applied for the position. After starting her career as a doctor’s assistant, she came to the quick realisation that she could only make full use of her talents in an office environment. With a gift for organisation, finding a job where she could work with colleagues from all around the world was the perfect complement to her home life:  Both her own family and helping new mothers with their newborns is Verena’s passion. That said, as a self-confessed ‘rubbish-housewife’, she is thrilled to have found Textbroker.

Michael, 28, Mainz

Michael is our newest colleague to join our team of developers. He has more or less always known that he would work in IT. Michael worked for several years in Software development, and after completing his degree in IT, began searching for a position where he would be able to really let loose his passion for perfectionism. Timed perfectly with Textbroker’s website relaunch, Michael is excited to be able to have a hand in the newest developments. With a lengthy list of tasks and activities to keep on top of, there will always be something to keep him busy. ‘I’m not expecting it to get boring any time soon,’ said the excited Mainzer.

Samanta, 23, Mainz

Bringing a talent for languages and a wealth of world experience to our Client Services Department is Samanta. Born in Mainz to Italian parents, Samanta took her language skills initially to America, where she worked as a freelance translator for a time, with work following in several different fields including SEO, marketing and business development. ‘I didn’t know at first what I wanted to do’, she says, and after waking up from her American Dream, she decided to give in to the homesickness and return to Germany. With her experience in Management and Client Services, she is excited to be working in such a multi-cultural atmosphere here with Textbroker.

Interested in meeting more of our team? We’re proud to introduce them to you here …

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