How your texts are evaluated – and how to improve your star rating to get more writing jobs
When you sign up, your registration text is given an initial rating between 3 to 4 stars by our experienced editors. As a quality assurance feature, all authors are re-evaluated when their first five articles are submitted. These articles are then rated between 3-5 stars. When rating, our editors check for spelling, grammar and punctuation as well as the overall style, structure and readability of the text. Additionally, they will provide feedback that can help you further improve your writing as the submission of error-free texts ensures that you meet our high quality standards and get better paying writing jobs. The following gives you an overview of the rating criteria:
Our rating criteria |
Spelling: Frequency of misspellings, typos, missing words and repeated words |
Grammar: Things like syntax, agreement, and possessives |
Punctuation: Frequency of comma, colon, and semicolon errors and overuse of dashes, parentheses, elipses, and exclamation points |
Style: Frequency of awkward phrasing, choppy sentences, and lack of flow |
Argument Strength |
Filler: Frequency of off-topic, irrelevant, or unnecessary information |
View Example Text |
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If a client has become familiar with your work through OpenOrder or he came across you via the author search function, you may access DirectOrder as well as TeamOrders – no matter what your star level may be.
For this reason, it is paramount that your author profile is complete and provides detailed information about your areas of expertise and your interests. Your public profile can only be viewed by registered Textbroker clients and employees.
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Your Registration Text
A short registration text on a topic of your choosing serves as the basis for your preliminary rating. Find more information about your registration text here.
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