The Top Five Signals that a Content Marketing Firm Should be Avoided
We can think of a content marketing firm much in the same way as we would envision a layer cake. Simply because the icing appears tasty does not necessarily signify that the interior will be as appealing. Let us examine five discrete hints that an organisation is not all that it claims to be.
1. Poor Online Reviews
Word of mouth is one of the most powerful tools to determine the veracity of what a firm might claim on its homepage. Try to find reviews on third-party websites that are not affiliated with the marketing firm in question. Although a bit of poor feedback will inevitably occur from time to time, a plethora of negative comments is a sure-fire signal that something is rotten in Denmark.
2. Little Content Flexibility
The best content mills and marketing firms are able to deal with even the most specific requests. Whether referring to a white paper on SEO marketing or an in-depth article revolving around quantum tunnelling, flexibility is the hallmark of a well-versed writing team. This also signals that the quality of the content itself will normally rise head and shoulders above any competition.
3. Few Contact Points
It can be very frustrating to be unable to speak with a customer service representative. This is even more critical when referring to proactive marketing management. Any firm which is not able to provide its customers with multiple points of contact is generally not worth the commitment. Live chat widgets, specific email addresses for different internal departments and dedicated telephone lines during normal working hours are all necessary in this day and age.
4. Substandard Customer Service
Let’s assume for a moment that a content marketing agency has multiple contact points. These are of little value if you are not able to speak with a qualified customer service specialist. Whether you have a general billing enquiry or your question involves a very specific SEO-related topic, there should always be an expert available. Furthermore, these individuals need to be able to provide you with the insight and clarity required to make informed decisions. Any company that does not provide such professional capabilities should be looked upon with scepticism.
5. An Unwillingness (or Inability) to Provide Examples of Previous Work
Would you buy a car before taking a test drive? In the same respect, reputable firms will always be happy to provide you with illustrations of their previous work. Those which claim that all writing is proprietary or otherwise unavailable might not have the talent to back up their claims. Let’s never forget that while marketing is all well and good, this approach needs to be substantiated with tangible examples.
Keep in mind that not all of these symptoms need to be present in order to indicate a very real problem with a marketing firm. This is why it is prudent to only work with those which have a proven and reliable track record.
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