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How to Plan for a Holiday as a Freelance Author

As a freelance author, you always need to plan your schedule carefully, but this is especially true when it comes to holidays. After all, if you do not work, you do not earn money, and if you are not available to respond to requests from clients and you do not take the appropriate steps, they may start to look elsewhere instead.

In this post, we explore some of the key steps you need to take to plan for a holiday as a freelance author, in order to minimise disruption, limit any damage to your earnings, and keep clients informed about your availability.

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Six Must-Have Content Marketing Tools for 2021

Similar to an all-you-can-eat buffet, more is not necessarily better in terms of content creation. One of the most pervasive myths is that a successful marketing campaign is all about volume; that generating swathes of text will automatically lead to success within the digital domain. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. Mediocre, incorrectly targeted and otherwise generic material will inevitably fall through the cracks of even the most well-intentioned marketing strategies. Furthermore, a great deal of time can be wasted only to experience disappointing results.

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Coping With Self-Isolation: Top Tips for Textbroker Authors

Lockdown, social distancing and personal protective equipment. These are a handful of terms which will serve to define 2020 for years into the future. What began as a quizzical virus has now reached the point when more than half of the global population is under some type of quarantine. Millions of jobs have already been lost, and countless others will be called into question during the coming weeks and months. This is why the prospect of working at home is now much more of a reality than ever before.

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Making the Transition to a Full-Time Textbroker Author

Many of those who join Textbroker are attracted to this platform due to their ability to earn a viable part-time income. This is an excellent opportunity for stay-at-home mums, pensioners and indeed anyone who may have grown tired of the traditional nine-to-five office routine. Textbroker has broken the mould when compared to other online content mills; providing countless articles and subjects to address. This opens up the proverbial door for authors who are keen to take on a full-time role. However, enjoying a smooth transition and adapting to a more challenging schedule can be slightly difficult without a bit of planning. Let's look at how part-time writers can turn their hobby into a full-time profession.

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Why More is Not Always Better: Tips for Managing a Challenging Workload

Reliability, accuracy, professionalism, and a steadfast commitment to excellence. These are some of the traits which serve to define a Textbroker author. Not only are such writers able to pull off the seemingly impossible when dealing with challenging subjects, but they will often far exceed the initial expectations of the client. However, this can come with a price. Authors who gain a reputation for their steadfast work ethic tend to receive a large volume of work. Due to this very same perfectionist nature, they will often attempt the impossible in order to keep clients happy. While indeed a noble trait, this situation can take its toll. Quality, completion times and client-writer communications may be sacrificed. This is why it is critical to appreciate how to manage a taxing workload. Let’s take a look at some proven tips and tricks.

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Managed Service

Textbroker offers an extended level of service with the Managed Service option. Managed Service gives you additional support and a personal account manager when you want us to manage your projects for you. Find out more here.

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