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How to Buy Specialist Texts

Specialisation is a rather overused term in this day and age. For example, you have likely heard phrases related to a “customer support specialist”, a “sales relations specialist”, or even a “specialised nail technician”. The problem here is that the concept itself has become watered down to the point where we aren’t exactly certain what it involves. This is just as relevant when addressing specialised content creation for online marketing purposes.

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How to Buy E-Book Content

What strategies immediately come to mind when discussing online marketing? Common techniques such as search engine optimisation (SEO), website management, the creation of high-quality written content, and the use of proper HTML tags are all reasonable responses. Still, there are plenty of other techniques which can yield powerful results if approached in the correct manner. Here, we take a look at the effectiveness and sheer versatility of e-books in order to highlight yet another tool at your disposal.

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How Case Studies Help Build Brand Credibility

Case studies are among the many strategies that companies use to build trust by portraying themselves as knowledgeable. Organisations leverage case studies to educate, convince on-the-fence buyers, reinforce their existing clients’ preconceptions, augment brand credibility, and strengthen claims about new projects or products. Keep reading to find out how case studies can propel the authoritative nature of your business to the next level in 2023.

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More of the Same? The Power of Repurposed Content

“Do not submit copied content, even if you wrote the original.”

If Moses descended from the Textbroker mountain, this would certainly have been one of the ten commandments. Writing duplicate content is a cardinal sin for many reasons. Not only are we referring to issues such as copyrights and plagiarism, but how can an author expect to grow if they never push the boundaries of innovation?

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Managed Service

Textbroker offers an extended level of service with the Managed Service option. Managed Service gives you additional support and a personal account manager when you want us to manage your projects for you. Find out more here.

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