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Case Study LiveCareer

How LiveCareer Increased Traffic and Revenue by 200 Percent Using Textbroker

Better Ranking and More Conversions with Content from Textbroker

About the Company:

LiveCareer is a career development company. They have helped more than 10,000,000 people from all over America (and beyond!) discover their career path, build stronger resumes, interview with confidence and boost their chances of finding the right job in less time.

They are all about giving you the tools you need to land the job you want. Their team includes career development experts, certified resume writers, recruitment specialists and a wide range of passionate professionals, all laser-focused on helping you get hired.

The Challenge:

Content marketing is essential to LiveCareer’s organic new client acquisition and reaching jobseekers in need.

Their 2 main goals:

  • Drive organic traffic by providing professional, instructional career materials for potential clients throughout the world.
  • Gain key organic ranking in the SERPS for selected high-volume keywords.

Previously relying on freelance writers and in-house team members for content creation, LiveCareer needed a new large-scale and efficient solution that would result in high-quality content in multiple languages. This included creating resume and cover letter content for 8 countries in order to reach their global audience.

LiveCareer company

The Solution:

LiveCareer started using Textbroker in January 2014 to meet their huge content targets and demanding deadlines.

Within 7 months, they produced more than 10,000 pieces of content including resume and cover letter templates, targeted intra-company letters, press releases and blog posts using Textbroker.

Textbroker Self-Service:

In order to create high-quality content that would be useful to jobseekers and easy for search engines to understand, LiveCareer started using Textbroker Self-Service for their English content. They set up teams of 4- and 5-star authors relying on Textbroker’s vast network of writers. Using Textbroker’s SEO features, they chose 2-3 percent keyword density with optimized headers.

Textbroker Managed Service:

With their initial success in the US, LiveCareer expanded their use of Textbroker to their international portals – including Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland and the United Kingdom. The Textbroker Managed Service project began with originals in English that needed to be translated appropriately for the different countries. This involved making format and location changes for each. Throughout the entire project, LiveCareer relied heavily on project managers from various international platforms who crafted top-notch teams of authors to meet the huge content targets.

LiveCareer Self Service symbols vs Managed Service symbols

The Results:

  • By using Textbroker, LiveCareer produced thousands of pages of content for their global audience.
  • These led to amazing results and increased budgets for content marketing internationally.
  • Textbroker has allowed LiveCareer to produce diverse, high-quality content shockingly fast: Textbroker’s Managed Service even beat expectations by 2 months as the project was concluded within only 7 months instead of the requested 9.
  • By using Textbroker for content production, LiveCareer could increase traffic, registrations and revenue.

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Conclusion Drawn by LiveCareer:

  • “For us, Textbroker’s winning features include the vast database of eager, enthusiastic, committed, on-demand writers and the broad range of languages and locales.”
  • Self-Service was great for our English content to control costs. But the Managed Service was essential for our 2015 success. International projects would not have been possible without Textbroker Managed Service,” said Sean Fitzpatrick from LiveCareer.
  • “We intend to continue using Self-Service. Also, we strongly recommend Textbroker Managed Service for US-based companies that need content in other languages!”

Download the LiveCareer case study here.

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Managed Service

Textbroker offers an extended level of service with the Managed Service option. Managed Service gives you additional support and a personal account manager when you want us to manage your projects for you. Find out more here.

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