3 top tips for your 2014 content marketing strategy
Boosting SEO rankings is important to a business, but without a considered approach such efforts run the risk of failing in their ultimate objective – conversion. The question is, what should your content strategy aim to do? Here are our top 3 tips.
Boosting SEO rankings is important to a business, but without a considered approach such efforts run the risk of failing in their ultimate objective – conversion. Indeed, the purpose of a good content marketing strategy should be to create a long-term plan for enhancing and monetising a commercial relationship. So, no matter the product or service, a successful strategy should always do the following:
Identify a specific target
The broader the scope, the more diffuse the effect, so it is vital to narrow the target audience in order to be able to set tight parameters. That’s not to say that a number of different targets would be inappropriate, just that each one should be dealt with as a separate entity so that their needs are properly met. For example, an identifier based on interest might not need to take age into account; an identifier based on income might require consideration of culture; an identifier of industry might benefit from a focus upon gender, and all are important when deciding what type of content will be most appropriate.
Remember: the more focused the target, the more effective the strategy.
Inform and update
Effective content marketing is a marathon, not a sprint, and any marketing strategy should take this into consideration. Businesses need to be able to react to changing circumstances without weakening the marketing strategy, so make sure that any content remains relevant, with amendments to products or services in the form of distinguishable updates. In the same way that a target audience needs to have tight parameters to ensure effectiveness, any information should be clear and concise so that the impact is not weakened.
Remember: continuing to inform an audience helps to build a relationship.
Entertain the audience
Although content should be targeted to the demographic of the audience, relentless repetition or dry delivery can be off-putting. Even if an article is only tangentially connected to the core message, by providing a broader view of any subject a business can present itself as a trustworthy and informative source. Not only that, but tailoring the tone and register of any content in acknowledgement of the specifics of the collective identity will be more likely to resonate and engage. But entertainment doesn’t have to be glib or humorous – simply by providing a different perspective on a subject already of interest, a successful marketing strategy can be sure to attract an appreciative audience.
Remember: providing entertaining content will create a loyal following.
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