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Lean Content Marketing: A Viable Solution for Challenging Times

“Lean” is perhaps one of the more forgiving words which can be used to describe the global state of affairs in 2023. Thanks to tight budgets, an increasingly competitive landscape and the negative impacts of inflation, trimming the proverbial advertising “fat” has never been more of a reality. In fact, a recent study has found that nearly 25 per cent of all SMEs are concerned about how a lack of inbound revenue might impact their ongoing sales campaigns.

This is why scaling back could actually be a great way to move forward. However, such approaches are certainly nothing new to small- and medium-sized enterprises, and the notion of lean marketing has existed for some time. If you are looking to make ends meet while still obtaining much-needed digital exposure, read on…

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How to Create an Effective Content Marketing Strategy

The ultimate aim of any marketing strategy is to attract an audience, engage them and convert a user’s interest into a sale. However, with the incredible popularity of social media as a theoretically high ROI commercial tool, it is easy to forget that a content strategy based solely on Facebook likes and Twitter followers may well be adding to the fan base, but it is unlikely to have any measurable impact on the actual conversion rate. For that, you will always need effective, targeted website content

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Top 5 tips for refreshing your website

Every business needs an online presence to cater to existing customers and attract new users, but regularly updating a website can seem an insurmountable and expensive task to undertake. Here are our top tips for refreshing your website without a full redesign.

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5 Ways to Get The Best Out of Your Copywriter

When hiring a copywriter, it may be difficult to articulate what exactly it is that you want. Luckily, our authors don’t expect their instructions to be in prose form. After all, turning a list into a flowing piece of text is their job, not yours…

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6 Simple Steps To Making Web Content Visible

Websites thrive on content! Whether it is text, pictures and images, videos or even interactive content – all of this information has to be found and rated by search engines, which can prove to be a big challenge. In addition, owing to programming errors or lack of accessibility, some websites have serious problems getting found by search engines.

Happily, there are a few basic things that can be done to optimise the content on the website itself (AKA on-page SEO), which can help the page become more 'visible'. By following these simple steps, your web content will rank better on search engine result pages and, in turn, attract more visitors.

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Managed Service

Textbroker offers an extended level of service with the Managed Service option. Managed Service gives you additional support and a personal account manager when you want us to manage your projects for you. Find out more here.

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