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Content Marketing Trends In 2015

Content marketing is now recognised as one of the most effective foundation for any campaign strategy, with traditional marketing and email advertising taking a backseat in terms of resource and budget. That’s not to say that both don’t continue to have their place in terms of distribution, but quality content – content that is effective irrespective of the vehicle – is rapidly becoming the deciding factor in the ongoing battle for target market attention.

Content marketing is now recognised as one of the most effective foundation for any campaign strategy, with traditional marketing and email advertising taking a backseat in terms of resource and budget. That’s not to say that both don’t continue to have their place in terms of distribution, but quality content – content that is effective irrespective of the vehicle – is rapidly becoming the deciding factor in the ongoing battle for target market attention.

To have or have not

Content marketing trends in 2015 are set to show a clear divide between those who recognise the importance of good content in terms of ensuring all aspects of visibility, and those who don’t. Frankly, audiences have become inured to the sheer volume of information available to them, and are instead more focused on finding content that speaks to their specific needs and interests. Those operators determined to gather market share in 2015 will have to exercise content governance and consistency, a focus which is likely to be well rewarded as content platforms in the marketplace are set to expand.

Standing out in a crowded marketplace

In the content arena, as in all marketplaces, individuality gains attention. One 2014 trend set to continue in 2015 is the necessarily creative element behind every successful campaign. Keywords may inspire a curious click, but creativity in presentation and consistently good content will encourage an audience to return, building loyalty with every visit. Indeed, if the goal is to raise interest and widen the distribution base, a look at the factors that determine search engine rankings makes it clear that long-form content is the best way to increase visibility. And by analysing exactly which content is most popular, a campaign can be regularly fine-tuned to take advantage of the increased attention.

A unique voice will be vital to success

With the increase in appreciation for the impact that quality content can have on a marketing strategy, truly organic SEO in 2015 will be driven by the individuality of the voice. Whether as a competitor or a consumer, everyone recognises the interest value of excellent content; content marketing trends in 2015 will therefore see operators building on this in order to solidify and expand existing market share. The mantra ‘content is king’ may be accepted as truth, but only those who are willing to provide quality and individuality will be in a position to put its validity to the test in the world of content.

Budget allocation will shift

With the predominance of content marketing in any 2015 strategy, the need to reallocate budget towards content and distribution will become a key trend for successful operators. Many may decide that funds previously dedicated to SEO campaigns could see a higher ROI when redirected to the sourcing and distribution of content, particularly given the broad creative scope available to those willing to diversify. In-house or out-sourced, the vital need for quality content will be the main drive behind budgetary marketing decisions in 2015.

Distribution is key

An effective content marketing strategy should embrace all aspects of the field, such as white papers, blog posts, long-form articles, case studies and think-pieces, yet – without considering the importance of strategic distribution – no matter how polished the content, an opportunity to reach an audience will be missed. Content marketing in 2015 is therefore set to become inextricably linked to social media marketing as operators more fully realise the organic reach potential of these platforms. As an aid to distribution and a tool for message amplification, there is an impressive power to a distribution model that embraces the speed and variance of social media. Content marketing in 2015 will therefore see this influence more constructively harnessed as a facilitated distribution model becomes the business norm.

In short, the quality, consistency and individuality of marketing content will be at the forefront of any strategic campaign in 2015. Budgets will become more weighted towards distribution, whilst the organic value of a content-led social media marketing strategy will become increasingly influential. Indeed, the content marketplace is set to grow exponentially over the next 12 months as those operators who recognise the importance of a focused content marketing strategy will lay the groundwork for future marketplace domination.

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