Get the right Content at Textbroker fast and easy
Ordering on Textbroker is fast and easy, if you know how to do it. We have summarized for you the most important key steps in our process to get you the exact content that you need.
Ordering on Textbroker is fast and easy, if you know how to do it. We have summarized for you the most important key steps in our process to get you the exact content that you need.
Create a project, choose an Order Type
After you have registered and funded your account, you will want to create a project and choose from one of our Order types. You can choose from OpenOrder, DirectOrder or TeamOrder. All of these options have their benefits and knowing which to choose is essential to the success of your project.
If your content project is straightforward, you can choose OpenOrder and let all of the authors in our pool with the requisite star level have a chance to write your article. This is certainly the fastest and most economical way of getting your texts written.
Alternatively, you can look through our author profiles to see if you find the one author who specializes in your field. Once you have found this author, you can create a DirectOrder which will be sent to the author you have chosen. You can also choose this option after you have screened the OpenOrder pool and found the authors most suited to your taste and requirements and control the quality or uniformity of your content better.
If you have a larger project, you can build your own pool of authors that you invite onto your team. By placing a TeamOrder, you can set the price and will have a higher level of control of the output than if you are working with OpenOrders. Either way, there is always an option adapted to your content creation needs.
Pre-formatted CSV
If you have a large project with lots of Team or OpenOrders, you can download our sample pre-formatted CSV for your upload. You should follow the instructions which you can find on our sample CSV, downloadable from your client area or available here. A preview of the sample file can be seen below.
The Brief
Another important thing you will want to consider is how to create a proper briefing that the authors can use to successfully deliver your content. The better the brief is, the better the results are. You can create your own brief from scratch, or you can use our templates in the new redesigned area. Alternatively, we have created a dandy briefing generator tool to help you create the brief and make sure you transmit your specifications successfully to the author.
The most important aspects of a briefing are the following:
- Target audience
- What is the article supposed to achieve?
- Required tone/style
- Provide any sources, if possible
- What should be mentioned?
- What should NOT be mentioned? (competitors, prices etc.)
- Structural requirements, such as paragraphs and sub-headers
- HTML required? Is the content supposed to be timeless or current?
- Are keywords required?
With this in mind, you will be on your way to creating a perfect briefing for your unique content.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
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