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Textbroker Content Map Q3/2015

Curious as to which countries order what type of text the most? Find out about the ordering habits of Textbroker’s clients in the third quarter of this year.

Which type of content is most popular where? The Textbroker Content Map shows the type of content that was most prevalent during the third quarter of this year for all 10 countries that Textbroker offers its services. 

Right in time to kick off the fall season, clients in many countries ordered content regarding health. In particular demand were articles on health and medicine in the US, Germany, France, Brazil and Poland. Travel, jobs and business were also popular topics in the third quarter.

The importance of having a company blog was also demonstrated as blogs were the most popular type of content in 7 out of 10 countries. Only Germany, the Netherlands and France were exceptions, with clients ordering more product descriptions and website content.

Clients in Poland placed the longest and most extensive orders. The shortest orders came from the Netherlands because clients primarily needed product descriptions and SEO content. The average length of an order at Textbroker was 452 words, increasing the average length slightly since the second quarter. 

In 7 out of 10 countries, clients were primarily ordering at the 4-star level. This follows the global trend of moving toward high-quality content that is useful for readers and search engine rankings.

World map with content data


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