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The Importance of Refreshing Content on Your Site


The most succulent fruits are those which remain ripe for a limited amount of time; if consumed too early or too late, they tend to leave a bad taste in our mouths. It is a bit ironic that this very same observation can be made within the seemingly “timeless” realm of the Internet. However, the truth is that stale content is just as unappealing as outdated food. Not only will we quickly walk away, but we might be wary about purchasing the same brand in the future. This is exactly why keeping your site updated with relevant and informative content is one of the most important components of online success. In order to better appreciate the impact of this strategy, it is a good idea to break the associated benefits down into a number of discrete sections. After all, why go through the trouble of harvesting a crop if the products themselves are stale once they reach the shelves?

Timely Information When the Time is Right

The most obvious concern involves the experience of the end user. Let’s step back for a moment and imagine that you are hoping to appreciate the latest fall fashion trends. A website that has not changed its selection since 2017 will obviously fall upon deaf ears. Now, what would happen if you were searching for time-sensitive information such as how to mould your marketing campaign to comply with the latest Google SEO algorithms? Not only might you be provided with outdated advice, but the success of your website could very well be placed in jeopardy.

Notwithstanding the functionality standpoint, fresh content will illustrate to your readers that you wish to keep them informed and up to date. This is also an excellent form of passive marketing, as such an approach clearly denotes that you wish to remain one step ahead of the curve for the benefit of your followers. However, the advantages associated with fresh content descend much deeper than end-user appeal alone.

Understanding the Concept of “Domain Authority”

While domain authority is one of the most critical components of success, even some of the most experienced marketing experts may be unaware of its exact definition. According to MOZ, domain authority is the associated with how a website scores within a search engine results page (SERP). This digital reputation directly correlates with the type of written content as well as how often it is produced. Websites that possess a higher domain authority score are more likely to be featured within the top search results. This appeal will trickle down to the end user, as the overall reputation of the content likewise increases. It is also critical to mention that new pages are indexed by Google every time you choose to update your website. More is indeed better in this case…as long as quality is not sacrificed along the way.

Updated (and Varied) Content = Higher Inbound Traffic

It is interesting to note that refreshing content within your website will also cause search engines such as Google and Yahoo! to visit these pages on a frequent basis. Although these visits might not always equate to higher rankings, they are indeed associated with a chance to appear more often within a results page. This actually makes perfect sense, as portals which cover a greater variety of subjects will invariably appear on a more regular basis.

Such exposure will lead to a greater number of inbound hits. Let’s translate this observation into a real-world scenario. A business professional needs to book a trip to Spain and attend a large convention in the Costa del Sol region. He performs a basic online search utilising the relevant keywords. Would he opt for an agency which provides only basic and relatively outdated material or would he instead choose a portal offering seasonal details as well as descriptions of the primary tourist attractions? It is now becoming clear to see the dynamic power of fresh content and yet, there are other advantages to examine.

Keeping the Search Engine Demigods Satisfied

Search engines are attracted to fresh content in the same way as flies are drawn towards honey. Why is this the case? The simplest explanation is that major providers such as Google are businesses and they rely just as much upon revenue generation as a startup organisation (albeit to an exponentially greater degree); Google always seeks to place the most relevant pages at or near the top of the associated SERP page.

It has also been shown that increases in link growth rates directly impact the freshness of a website. For example, let’s imagine that your portal is about to launch an entirely new product. Assuming that this campaign generates a greater number of inbound hits, Google will deem that the associated content is up to date and popular. Thus, it could be ranked higher when compared to static material.

Lower Bounce Rates

Bounce rates are defined as the percentage of visitors who enter and quickly leave a website as opposed to actively engaging with its content. Higher bounce rates will negatively impact the ranking of a page and once again, this is largely determined by the type of content that is presented. It should not come as a surprise that high bounce rates can be penalised in terms of their rankings. If we translate such statistics to degrees of an illness, those with high averages are akin to a patient on life support. The only prescription for this condition is a healthy dose of fresh content.

A Pledge of Allegiance: The Power of Brand Loyalty

It has often been said that one loyal follower is more valuable than ten clients who make a solitary purchase and subsequently look elsewhere for similar products. While this is absolutely true, loyalty is just as valuable from the point of view of referrals. Those who regularly follow interesting content are much more likely to share this material with others; dramatically impacting the success of your business as well as your return on investment.

There is an age-old expression which states that loyalty cannot be bought, but it rather must be earned. This is the very same reason why the top social media influencers on portals such as Instagram and Facebook have gained countless followers over time. They keep their content fresh, engaging and relevant.

Riding the Digital Wave of Bespoke Content Creation

Have you recently noticed a dip in sales or has your website somehow lost the “spark” that was present in the past? If so, your embedded content could very well be acting as an anchor as opposed to a sail. Refreshing and reinventing such material will provide your page with an evergreen appeal that would simply not otherwise be possible.

The ability to present fresh content represents one of the digital pillars of success within the online community. Many website owners will state that they have neither the time nor the expertise to provide such material. This is one of the many reasons why the professional authors at Textbroker are chosen when nothing less than the best will suffice.

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