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Google Penalties: Much More than a Digital Slap on the Wrist

Anyone who has ever participated in an organised sporting event is already aware that playing by the rules is essential if penalties are to be avoided. This very same concept holds true in relation to search engine optimisation and overall website management. The only major difference is that while a player might miss out on a handful of games, a website owner could very well jeopardise their long-term efforts as a result of not appreciating modern rules and regulations. Google penalties, therefore, need to be taken very seriously. Still, the exact stipulations and ramifications might not be entirely clear to the average user. This partially arises from the fact that Google tends to update their algorithms on a somewhat regular basis. Let us therefore examine some primary guidelines to keep in mind as well as how you can check to discover whether any Google penalties are present before taking the appropriate actions.

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Google and Bert: What Does This New Search Method Mean for Businesses?

We are all aware that Google is the largest online search engine in the world. In fact, current statistics indicate that well over 63,000 searches take place each second. This equates to a staggering two trillion searches every year. Of course, this number will continue to grow as a larger portion of the global population gains access to the Internet. The main issue is that Google has always attempted to interpret the more “human” nuances within typical search terms. Much of this involves machine learning capabilities, and it should come as no great surprise that giant leaps have taken place over the years. One of the most recent innovations is known as “BERT”. What is BERT? How does it relate to online searches? Perhaps most importantly, what does this new search algorithm mean for businesses that hope to reach their intended target audience? Let's answer each of these questions in greater detail.

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Why Link Building is an Important Tool Within Your Content Creation Arsenal

Exposure is the name of the game in terms of content marketing. There are many ways in which this can be accomplished. The appropriate use of keywords, social media interactions and mobile-responsive website design are a handful of examples. However, the concept of link building is often overlooked due to the fact that many do not appreciate its full importance. If you wish to increase inbound traffic, or should you hope to reach a larger audience, building backlinks is a critical step along the way. What is link building? What impacts will it have upon your marketing strategy? Are there any professional suggestions to keep in mind? Each of these questions deserves a more in-depth explanation.

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How to score points with perfect press releases

This tutorial will help ensure that your press releases are read and observed.

Companies have different objectives with their press releases. Ideally, they should increase visibility, positively influence the public perception, and attract the attention of the target audience. Similarly, Online PR aims to achieve a better search engine ranking, to increase website traffic, or to generate clicks. So how do we go about writing the ideal press releases?

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