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Content Marketing Trends and Insights for 2023

2023 is all about technology, artificial intelligence, automation and interactive content. As more businesses realise that content creation and online marketing are essential for growth, it's expected that many will increase their budgets accordingly.

Top 10 Content Trends for 2023

Staying updated on the latest content marketing trends is essential for creating relevant and unique content that will not only attract and retain your valuable audience but also drives conversions and profits.

As we’re months into 2023, we can see there is a movement toward creating a superior content experience. This is achieved by aligning marketing strategies with every step of the customer journey. It is necessary to design your online marketing strategy to create content that promotes interaction while enhancing your company’s brand image.

As the digital landscape evolves, 2023 is going to continue seeing the rise of artificial intelligence, automation, interactive content and global connectivity. The world is becoming one, and UK companies are vying for consumers’ attention on a new level. This allows room for massive expansion but also increased competition. Staying on the front lines of digital content marketing trends helps you understand client expectations, increase brand awareness, expand your target audience and develop a robust strategy for growth.

1. Repurpose blogs

By making adjustments to current content, you can help make your brand more memorable and reach a broader audience. You can repurpose blogs in various ways, including videos, podcasts, case studies, social media, eBooks, online courses and much more. You can even update an existing blog with more relevant information, such as newly released statistics or research to support your perspective.

Blog repurposing allows you to reach new audiences, drive key points of your message and improve organic visibility. By repurposing blog content on a new platform, you can reach more people who did not see your content the first time, helping you build new unique audiences. For example, if a person misses your blog post, they may catch your short clip video on TikTok.

Additionally, you can use different platforms to drive your message in a new format. Some say we are past the “influencer boom,” and consumers desire professional and value-driven content. Repurposing blogs allows you to provide this professional content across numerous channels. When your customer base begins to follow you on different platforms, studies show they are more likely to have a higher level of engagement.

While reach and engagement are essential, repurposing also gives you a chance to go viral. While not guaranteed, it does maximise your efforts with volume, improving your overall organic visibility. You never know which article, video or eBook could make your business the next hot topic.

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2. Develop long-form, evergreen content

While a significant trend is turning content into short-form snippets, we cannot forget the value of long-form content. Usually, content like this requires time and a more significant number of words to give the necessary information.

Long-form content includes writing compelling content that resonates with your customer base, usually between 1,000 and 5,000 words. This type of content creation is a great way to give your visitors important information on subjects that range from industry topics to products, services and cutting-edge advancements.

The most common types of long-form content include:

The benefits of a long-form content piece include credibility, authority and a positive brand image.

You are building your brand as a pioneer within your industry. Rather than a short video or blog post, long-form content allows you to offer statistics and insights into a topic. This goes a long way toward providing an advanced level of expertise for your readers.

Also, this gives your post an excellent opportunity for backlinks. Creating a content piece with valuable information, statistics, and industry quotes will increase the chances of other companies linking to your content.

3. Create interactive content

Interactive content will remain a significant trend for years to come, solely because readers crave interaction. So embed quizzes, interactive infographics or even games onto your website. This will allow your visitors to engage with your brand.

This type of interaction is most rewarding for the content creator. By keeping visitors on your site for an extended period, you will gain positive SEO metrics, including page views, dwell time and session duration. On top of that, you also get a better chance to learn about your customer’s needs.

Quizzes are a great example. Using quizzes, you can pose questions to create feedback for your content or services. This gives you valuable information about your readers, including their interests and needs.

4. Update old content

As more consumers rely on the web, delivering accurate and reliable information has never been more critical. As your industry changes and evolves, so should your content.

It’s imperative to look at past content published on your site, especially pages that rank high in search engine result pages. Ensure that statistics and information are not only accurate but continue to be relevant.

People are more likely to click on content that ranks well. However, many will leave quickly if the information is outdated. A high bounce rate can be detrimental to the rankings you have worked hard to attain with your content.

5. Curate your content

Many businesses notably focus on creating new, original content, but did you know sharing curated content can also be effective?

To curate content is to research and gather content that has already been published relative to your interest and then present it to your audience.

If content is genuinely relevant to your industry, it can drive engagement and demonstrate that your company is interested in solving a concern or sharing information rather than just self-promoting.

Here are some examples of content you can share:

6. Use artificial intelligence (AI) to find trends

Finding trends is a vital part of marketing. However, it is often neglected because it is simpler to focus on what is working now and what needs to be done today.

Artificial intelligence is growing at an unbelievable pace. Marketing departments are using AI to learn not only about the preferences of their customers but what products and services they need.

By utilising AI, you can monitor trends on social media, the internet and other channels. Benefits of AI include:

  • Accurate predictions on new content that should be written
  • Understanding buyers and what they want to read
  • Generating a higher ROI

7. Appreciate your users’ input

Your readers or customers expect a high quality of service. Textbroker knows this and understands that consumers will only come back if they feel their expectations are being met.

Content creators should be prepared to go the extra mile in 2023 to keep visitors happy and fulfilled. By leveraging honest feedback, customer ratings and user reviews to aid your content ideation, your consumers will receive exactly what they want. This allows you to maintain high-quality standards and deliver a superior content experience.

8. Feed the hunger for E-E-A-T

Years back, Google introduced Quality Rater Guidelines, which is when E-E-A-T was born.

When you create content under the guidelines of E-E-A-T (experience, expertise, authoritativeness and trustworthiness), you should consider the following:

  • Links from respected websites with current stats and data
  • Updating your content according to new trends
  • Providing a biography of the writer on an About page

Content with E-A-T-T will dominate SERPs. It must be noted that the quality ranker is not going to rank your content based on keywords or links. If your content offers no user value, displays harmful content or is misinforming, it will be given a lower rating.

9. Optimise for voice search

Digital assistant tools, such as Siri, Google Assistant and Alexa, are now infamous for helping consumers in their search for information. Research has shown a yearly uptick in people who prefer voice searches over typing. This convenience has become routine for smartphone users.

Digital assistance will continue to grow in 2023, so this should be a concern for content creators with content that hasn’t been optimised for voice search.

Statistics show that voice-based searches tend to be more popular for local searches. It is recommended to optimise your content for voice search with these tips:

  • Target long-tail keywords and question keywords
  • Prioritise for local SEO
  • Capture Google-featured snippets
  • Optimise for mobile
  • Keep your website speed as fast as possible

10. Win with visual content

The true benefit of visual content marketing is that it quickly tells a story. Optics lead to emotion, which reaches viewers in a way that written content cannot. Pictures, screenshots and infographics are examples of visual content that have been shown to enhance online digital campaigns. But why does visual content increase traffic?

First, it fosters social engagement. Visual content receives more shares, which helps boost overall brand exposure. Visuals also communicate information in a more precise manner. When a message is seen, it can tremendously impact an audience’s reaction. In the end, visual content marketing is just easier to understand. Consumers can digest it quickly, which leads to a high level of attention within a short period of time.

Video content marketing is a subcategory of content marketing. It includes creating, producing and sharing videos that provide valuable facts to invoke interest in your services.

The short attention span of today’s consumers means interaction rates are usually higher with brief yet informative video content. This has made short videos extremely popular, as there is minimal time for viewers to lose interest.

You can also make them quickly with little to no effort, leaving you with more time to create multiple videos on numerous topics for your audience. You can easily send your message with the most preferred video content and gather shares from social media engagement.

The most notable short-form videos in 2023 include:

  • TikTok videos
  • Instagram Reels
  • Instagram Stories
  • YouTube Shorts
  • Facebook Reels
  • Snapchat Spotlight

If you pay attention to social media, you may also notice that popular short videos trend regularly. They are addictive and shareable. However, did you know that having closed captions within your video is favoured by search engines?

More and more online consumers are watching videos without sound. Captions will make the video accessible for viewers who prefer this way of watching. This ensures a positive experience for everyone.

SEMrush has stated that captions within videos get indexed, and they are a reliable keyword source for search engines.

It’s never too early to start planning!

The future of content marketing in the UK is consumer-centric. The goals are to consistently deliver value to your consumers and provide content that attracts readers to interact with your brand. And as always, Textbroker is here to help you succeed. If you’re not sure how to position your business in line with these new content marketing trends, our team can certainly guide you to another year full of content discovery!

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