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Snapchat: Ephemeral Content

Imagine you’re a mayfly. There are a couple of thousand different mayfly species, so feel free to choose the one you like best. Common to all of these species is the fact they all have a lifespan of around 24 hours, meaning they like to make the most of the time they have. And it’s exactly this ephemeroptera-like perspective on life that you need to make sure your company’s Snapchat content strategy is a winner.

Snapchat Part II

Snapchat is ideal for a certain type of content – think short-lived and exciting. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. Events

With stories being visible on Snapchat for only 24 hours, it's the ideal channel for publicising and marketing an event. Whether it's an important photo shoot, trade fair or even fashion show, you can keep your company's fans and followers up to date with snaps, recording the day's events in real time.

2. Exclusive Product Information

Let's face it – if you're one of several thousand mayflies, you're going to want to know something that no one else does, and you're going to want to share this exclusive information before it's too late. This is exactly how the Japanese car manufacturer, Acura, used Snapchat, too. They presented their first 100 followers with an exclusive insider picture of a new prototype, until the photo expired. Not only is this one fantastic way to capture a few fanatical followers for your company, but these exclusive product insights give them something to talk about, too, without, of course, saying or showing too much.

3. Behind the Curtains

This is where you – the mayfly – get your 15 minutes of fame for all to see, for a short while that is. Showing your company's fans and followers exactly what a working day at your business looks like is an ideal way to use this mobile App. Your fans will be impressed by your company's honest, open approach to your work, which is a great way to improve brand loyalty and trust. You could even consider giving a virtual tour of the office, using Snapchat to publicise the event beforehand, too.

4. Vouchers and Coupons

Snapchat is a fantastic medium through which to run promotions. Discount-Codes or exclusive offers which expire after 24 hours are ideal Snapchat material. If you're a mayfly, though, you're going to want to see some pretty exciting stuff in your 24 hours.

Successful Snapchat Content

Whilst unique, high-quality content is a must on Snapchat as it is everywhere else online, it's especially important to make sure your creativity is given a bit of freedom, too. Videos and images should be entertaining and engaging. Remember, too, it's good if you don't take yourself too seriously – let your genuine sense of humour shine through.

And remember – as fun as this all sounds, Snapchat is one serious company. With around 900 workers and an estimated market value well into the billions (around $18 b USD to be a little more exact), Snapchat is one strategic content marketing tool that's not to be overlooked. What they are selling may be ephemeral, but we’re sure they don’t want to be that mayfly themselves.


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